Keep your system running efficiently & effectivley
We don’t like to state the obvious but:
Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) is crucial to ensuring your air conditioning system is operating as efficiently as possible but it also has numerous other benefits:
Ensures your manufacturer warranty remains valid
Reduces risk of expensive repairs due to mechanical failure
Increases the lifespan of your equipment giving you a greater return on your investment
Reduces environmental impact through efficient energy use
Comply to F-gas regulations for leak testing checks
Sub Zero offer a range of packages:
Something as simple as a blocked filter or blocked condensor coil can reduce your systems efficiency by upto 60%. Restricted airflow can cause serious mechanical failure costing hundreds of pounds in repairs or often leads to water damage to interior decoration or equipment.
- One off service
- 6 monthly service
- Annual service
- Strip down and deep clean service
Climate Change & Greenhouse Gases
The Kyoto Protocol 1997 is an international treaty which is committed to reductions in emissions that contribute towards global warming or climate change.
HFC (Hydroflourocarbon) refrigerants are one of the 6 greenhouse gases that the Kyoto protocol applies to and we must take steps to ensure emissions are kept to a minimum. With this in mind the F-Gas leak test regulations came into place in 2015, strict leak testing procedures were introduced to ensure a reduction in the release of HFC refrigerants into the atmosphere.
The amount of HFC refrigerant in your air conditioning system dictates how often the system needs to be leak tested each year. Ensuring adequate leak testing is the responsibility of both the owner/operator of the equipment and the contractor and is a legal requirement.
Sub Zero can help to keep you compliant by ensuring all systems are leak checked in accordance with F-gas regulations but also by ensuring all equipment log books are kept upto date with all the necessary information. F-gas regulations are legal obligations to ensure we reduce global warming emmissions.
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